"Transformers" is a science-fiction movie which was filmed by the famous American film director Michael Bay in 2007.Meanwhile, it is the first film which are allowed to shoot at the Pentagon since the "9.11". The film won the 2007 screaming Award for best science fiction movies, prizes, and shortlisted for the 2008 Oscar for best special effects award.
Since 《Transformers》is released on 2007.07.03, it did huge business at the box office, the toy merchandising sales for that film was out of Hasbro’s expectations. And later we ushered in《Transformers 2 : Revenge Of The Fallen》 on 2009.6.24,《Transformers:Dark of the Moon 》on 2011.7.1. But the director Michael Bay always swore that Transformers 3 would be his last film in the popular franchise. But now Bay has indeed returned for Transformers 4.This is really great news for the Transformers fans. It is said that the Transformers 4 will talk the story that you’ve seen – the story you’ve already told in three movies already –and it is told in a new direction.
Since 《Transformers》is released on 2007.07.03, it did huge business at the box office, the toy merchandising sales for that film was out of Hasbro’s expectations. And later we ushered in《Transformers 2 : Revenge Of The Fallen》 on 2009.6.24,《Transformers:Dark of the Moon 》on 2011.7.1. But the director Michael Bay always swore that Transformers 3 would be his last film in the popular franchise. But now Bay has indeed returned for Transformers 4.This is really great news for the Transformers fans. It is said that the Transformers 4 will talk the story that you’ve seen – the story you’ve already told in three movies already –and it is told in a new direction.